Signs of Mold
Mold is a collective term for fungi that can form fungal threads and spores. More than 100 types of mold can occur in homes, and their seeds (spores) distribute like dust in the air. In combination with moisture, they germinate and develop into new fungus networks. Although not all molds are dangerous, some variants produce toxins (mycotoxins) that can damage internal organs. The spores of the fungi also trigger skin and mucous membrane reactions, which result in allergy-like symptoms.
The extent of the health hazard depends on the intensity, type of mold damage and sensitivity of the occupants. The extent of the infestation cannot always be measured accurately.
If there is a suspicion of a hidden or severe mold infestation, the affected rooms must be examined more closely by experts. We have many years of experience when it comes mold inspections and remediation. You can count on our team to use advanced techniques to detect and remove mold spores in hard-to-reach places. If necessary, we may expose cavities behind formwork, ceilings or walls. This makes it easier to access the black mold source.
Mold infestation is no longer confined to old buildings with thin cold outer walls but increasingly occurs on higher floors and in insulated buildings. Often, the outbreak hides behind a wall covering or a cabinet that is too close to a cold wall. Suspended plasterboard ceilings or walls that have been insulated from the inside are also frequent targets for spores.

Mold Inspection Process
We use several methods to detect the presence of mold spores in bathrooms, kitchens, attics, and basements. When needed we’ll call in a mold assessor to use the most reliable technique involves room air measurement, which reveals signs of dead black mold and metabolic end products of living mold even in the smallest amounts in the room air. The metabolic end products are known as Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOC’s).
The visible inspection and moisture testing will be carried out by our trained mold remediation experts. In some cases, health authorities can conduct additional assessments. Air quality tests will be passed over to a mold assessor to complete. This ensures that there is no conflict of interest when we provide the estimate for the work. We base our estimate on the protocol prescribed by the assessor.
If you have even the slightest suspicion that mold may be hiding in your house or apartment, you should immediately conduct our mold inspectors. Do not take the problem for granted or delay as serious health complications can result.
Don’t Attempt a DIY Black Mold Inspection
From the colony formation greenish-brown to black-colored Cladosporium fungi, some of the mold is characterized by a rather low tendency for spore release into the air. In contrast, most of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium species release spores into the air in large numbers. Ventilation processes have a major influence on levels of infestation and growth.
A considerable number of the primarily airborne fungal constituents are found again in the settled domestic dust, which can be whirled up at any time even with slight movements of the air and vibrations. Spore-contaminated household dust can strongly influence the room air hygiene status in the short term, and the use of classic room air measurement systems can be limited to special tasks.
Why hire a professional for black mold inspections?
Our team of mold experts uses advanced equipment and detection techniques. This ensures that all rooms are checked thoroughly for the existence of colonies that may be tricky to detect without special inspection tools or experience. Some of the mold signs cannot be seen clearly or easy to recognize through smell. Get in touch with us immediately.
Anyone who suffers from health conditions that could be related to mold in the house or apartment should go to the doctor. If your eyes and respiratory system are irritated, you have a cold, skin rash, cough, asthmatic attacks and headaches, mold fungi in the home can be the cause.
In some cases, you do not see the spores because they often hide from plain sight. The typical sign of an infestation is initially a musty, earthy smell followed mostly by dark spots on walls, ceilings or furniture. After prolonged infestation, wallpaper is decomposed, colors peel off while wood and paper crumble.
Disturbing the black mold while attempting to remove it can make the situation worse. Stirring up the mold spore may cause the mold to spread. The spores may also be inhaled or make contact with your skin, and this will create health problems that may be long-lasting.
Inspections versus Testing
If you are convinced that a mold fungus source in your home could impair the health of occupants, you can enlist our services for a comprehensive inspection and treatment. We don’t recommend home test kits because a self-test kit cannot determine with certainty whether the mold genus in your home is dangerous or non-hazardous, this requires laboratory testing and can only be completed by a licensed mold assessor.
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